Cymbidium T-Rex Red Red hues with a bold stripe-like pattern pattern showing through to a cream background, and showy contrasting lips make these seedlings very eye-catching. So far red hues range between brick, burgundy, and rust, with lips sporting bright red markings over bright white to cream yellow. These seedlings are the tall-stemmed, 'standard' type
Cymbidium sized, and ready to add some bright color to the Winter garden.
From the cross between
Cym. Baltic Berry and
Cym. Tracy's Firefall. One quarter Cym. Red Beauty 'Nettie' contributes broad petals and bold lip pattern, and one quarter
Cym. tracyanum provides stripe-like pattern and that wild species
Cymbidium shape!
Established blooming-size seedlings. 'Seedlings' are the offspring of pollination; as siblings these may be similar, yet each seedling is unique and no two are identical in exact color or shape.
Temperature Tolerant. December - January blooming.
Orchid of the Day: December 18, 2024