Dear Orchid Friends,
It was so good to see many of you during our Spring Open House.
Many of the Dedrobium speciosums from our SB Orchid Show display are now for sale in our main greenhouse along with some others that didn’t fit in our display or were still in bud. For mail-order shoppers, we are working on a new list of Dendrobium speciosums in flower. Please e-mail us to receive the planned list before we put it up on the website.
2025 SBOE Regular Open Days & Hours:
Fridays 10am-2pm
Saturdays 9am-3:30pm
(Reservations are not required, but before travelling a long distance, we strongly recommend re-confirming by e-mail, on website, or by phone the day before visiting in case of unexpected closure.)
Lists, Lists, Lists: Use the links below to download pdfs of our most recent specialty plant lists:
Dendrobioum speciosum exceptional divisions in-spike: Only seven this offering. Includes the foundational Australian speciosums ‘Windermere’ & ‘Daylight Moon’, two different hillii’s with ‘Don Brown’ as the father, and a magnificent tall, arching yellow. Prices range from $700-$2750. List made 2/12/25.
(download here)
Specimen List: Would you rather have ten small diamonds or one big diamond? Recommended for expert growers only. Plants for a variety of growing conditions. Prices range from $150 to $5000. List updated 8/27/24.
(download here)
Dendrobium speciosum Seedling List: Crosses made using exceptional parents. Blooming size to a decade from blooming. Prices range from $35 to $300. List updated 4/19/24.
(download here)
Epidendrum Pink Champagne Select Established Keiki List: The “poor-man’s” orchid moves up in the world. Beautiful sunset colors. Prices range from $25 to $50. List updated 2/11/25.
(download here)
For updates, please join our email list HERE.
We try to answer the phone 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Saturday. If we don’t answer, please call later or e-mail us. Plants may be ordered for pick-up outside the nursery gates if arranged 2-3 days in advance of pick-up date. Please phone or email if you have any questions.
2025 Santa Barbara Orchid Estate |