A very unique color contrast of medium yellow sepals and petals with a suffuse rose-red lip. This cross of Balkis 'Luath' X Cariga 'Sorrento' was made in 1954 by Tal and Valya Craig of Sutherland, New South Wales, Australia during the Golden Age of cymbidium breeding. The Craigs exported cut "cymbids" of this grex and many others to the US during the offseason of Northern Hemisphere cymbidiums. 'Sutherland' still graces the SBOE cut-flower and pot-plant growing areas. For more information about this grex, please read the article by Paul Gripp in "The Orchid Advocate", Volume II, Number 2, March/April 1976.Cool growing. March - April blooming.
Prices start at: $50.00
Plus shipping and handling.