Arching sprays bloom elegant clusters of flowers with that distinctive "coerulea blue" ** color, highlighted with showy lips of pale yellow. Newly opened buds may look pale at first, yet the colors intensify with bright blooming conditions over the following days. This robust, light-loving plant is an excellent Cymbidium companion in both heat and cold, but it can grow well indoors given enough light. The plants offered here are select seedlings of this exquisite hybrid, from the crossing of Cattleya loddigessii 'Blue Sky', AM/AOS and Cattleya bowringiana fma. coerulea.
**Orchids of coerulea color-form are often called "blue", which confuses many orchid admirers, since most actually look purple, not blue. "Coerulea" orchids lack the genes responsible for red flower color, and their 'cooler' overall coloration makes them distinct. This genetic trait is even more rare than orchid albinism and typically produces blooms with some combination of white, purple, and green.
Established blooming-size seedlings. 'Seedlings' are the offspring of pollination; as siblings they may be very similar, yet each is unique and no two are identical in precise color or shape. Enjoy the surprise!
Temperature Tolerant. September-October blooming.
Prices start at: $50.00
Plus shipping and handling.