SobraliaA genus of about 35 species ranging from Mexico throughout Central America to Brazil and Peru, of which there are only about seventeen registered hybrids. They have distinct reed-like stems with papery, plaited leaves at intervals along their lengths, which for some species can reach six to eight feet!
The cattleya-like flowers of Sobralia are large and handsome and occur in a wide variety of colors of lavender, white, yellow and art shades. While the flowers are not long-lasting, specimen plants produce a succesion of blooms over a long period of time, at a time when flowers are at a premium in the collection and their extravagant beauty never fails to attract attention.
We grow Sobralias outdoors as with standard Cymbidium culture; hardy to 27F. They make exceptionally fine plants in the garden, grown into large specimens in tubs or garden clumps. Santa Barbara Orchid Estate has twenty years of experience with this group, collecting, selecting, testing, breeding. Our collection is near 2000 plants, a number of which are large specimen size, all of which are grown with our cymbidiums under natural Santa Barbara temperature ranging from 28°F to 100°F. These plants give an enormous spring floral display and are noticably easy, consistent, and trouble free.
PottingThis genus loves water at the roots so a small bark, coconut husk or coir (coco peat) mix is best. Repot after flowering. Large plants with many growths can be divided but make sure to leave6 to 8 growths per division. Keep slightly drier for the first 10 days after repotting.