Laelia Anceps Parade
Laelia anceps in bloom along our driveway
A striated lavender variety
A white variety with markings on lip

‘Tis the season when Laelia anceps are in spike and bloom. See the variations! One of the hardiest, most beautiful of Mexican species, easily cultivated outdoors in subtropical or tropical climates or in a greenhouse. Temperature tolerant 24-100F. Naturalizes beautifully on trees or makes great specimens in pots, hanging baskets, or mounted on slabs. (The plants shown on this page are not necessarily for sale; see our list of selected varieties for plants that are available.)

Laelia anceps - Sanderiana type
Laelia anceps - Barkeriana type
Laelia anceps - Vietchiana type

Laelia anceps, a native of Mexico but also occurring more rarely in Guatemala and the Honduras, is one of the most common, yet one of the most satisfying orchids. Its ease of care makes it an ideal plant for the beginner as well as the connoisseur. Resembling clustertype cattleyas 2 to 4 inches in size, the flowers of Laelia anceps occur in forms of lavender, white, and blue, two to four on the end of 18 to 24-inch inflorescences.

Laelia anceps alba specimen on palm
Laelia anceps - ashworthiana type
Laelia anceps 'Roeblingiana', AM/RHS

 Laelia anceps is one of the hardiest for cold tolerance of any of the Cattleya alliance, tolerating reported lows of 22ºF (-5ºC) without any damage, and high temperatures up to 90º or 100º rarely trouble it. It grows outdoors with Cymbidiums as well as in a greenhouse and is ideal for growing on oaks and other trees and naturalizing in the garden. Its blooming season is generally fall to winter, peaking around November.

Laelia anceps 'La Reina', HCC/AOS
Laelia anceps 'SanBar Guerrero', AM/AOS
Laelia anceps v. delicata

Santa Barbara Orchid Estate has received more American Orchid Society awards on Laelia anceps than anyone else.  We at SBOE are proud to maintain the largest collection of the better varieties known today.

For purchasing Laelia anceps, see our
Basic Lavender Laelia anceps in Spike:
Mounted or potted, $25, $35 and up plus shipping*.
Awarded & Select Varieties
in Spike:
Our list of outstanding lavenders, whites, whites with colored lip, tinted whites, blue and more.
Many available in spike now and throughout the season!

Specimen Plants: mounted, potted or in hanging pots, loaded with spikes! Check the Auction for select varieties!